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Guild Charter Information
The Guild of Quantum-Note
Self-Sufficiency is Absolutely IMPERATIVE

Welcome to Quantum-Note's Guild-Section !

I may still be deciding upon how to re-design some of these pages for the Quantum-Note web-site but, for now, I will list the currently available articles from the index pages of each section. The «Self-Sufficiency» term refers to OUR ability to produce OUR own resources (rather than being like parasitical tax-collectors who produce nothing and thus contribute nothing of value to society). The future survival of humanity is extremely dependent upon whether humanity will wise up or continue in its hell-bound self-destructive path into self-annihilation. Thanks for visiting !

Note that some of the files on this web-site may still be in a .doc format. I intend to convert them properly into HTML-format when a time arrives that I can focus on updating this web-page without interruption. For now, due to loads of interference from various sources (such as Police State U.S.A.), I can only upload relevant documents and updates as time/resources permit(s).

[Uploaded : 020TL11m29d (29th Nov 2016CE)] [You Cannot Die] Chapter VII : Reincarnation
[Uploaded : 020TL11m25d (25th Nov 2016CE)] [You Cannot Die] Chaptre VI : Spirit-Possession
[Modified : 020TL09m10d (10th Sep 2016CE)] The Reality of Economic-Systems
[Uploaded : 020TL08m??d (???? Aug 2016CE)] Message From Aéius Cercle to ODD TV-Director